TojoCAD offer powerful software solutions to Surveyors and Civil Engineers and dedicated to serve most powerful products to develop better, more presentable drawings and accurate reports. TojoCAD is economically priced; easy to use; and capable of addressing most of civil engineering and surveyors’ requirements.
TojoCAD is designed for considering the fact that surveyors and engineers with basic CAD software knowledge can generate required outputs without getting in to lengthy training, big manuals, memorizing operation sequences or navigating through multiple windows. TojoCAD aim’s at improving the work force efficiency, by saving time and increasing productivity.
It is a CAD plug-in software developed with AutoLISP, VisualLISP and DCL programming language, so that you did not need to change your existing CAD software and its version.
Cost effective, easy to afford and perpetual licensing.
Can be integrated with any version of AutoCAD, CADMATE and other CAD software.
Easy to learn with proper documents and Video.
Best after sales supports.
Import and CAD plot, field survey data as Point, Polyline, 3D Polyline and Block Reference object.
Export CAD Point, Polyline, 3D Polyline and Block Reference object with all attached attributes in tabular format.
Edit, manipulate, interpolate survey data.
Label survey points attribute.
CAD layer management.
Triangulate survey points and create 3D surface models.
Contour generation, contour labelling and contour analysis.
Regular and irregular interval DTM/Grid interpolation.
Generate surface profile, cross section.
Create a longitudinal section from 3D Polyline.
Random profile creation.
Generate cross section points.
Draw map grid with grid value in presentable manner.